
Review: Toast opens at Oxford Playhouse fresh from the West End….with free sweets. It’s...

Having been previously berated, and rightly so, for snacking noisily during theatrical performances, to then be presented with not just a handful of retro pick ‘n’ mix sweets but...

Review: War Horse is back in Oxford, but is it as good this time...

Although The New Theatre has welcomed back the award-winning drama War Horse, having sold out last time around, expectations for the internationally acclaimed production, beloved by so...

Don Quixote, AKA 007, in The Covered Market? Yes, you read it right. Only...

It’s a madcap, hare-brained, ridiculous idea that no sane theatre company would ever consider. So, obviously Creation jumped at the chance to stage the 16th century novel...

REVIEW: Sex, drugs and a VW camper van. Little Miss Sunshine – the musical...

The irony of Little Miss Sunshine is that as a musical it does work. The whole wonderful story pans out in full technicolor glory, the Hoovers dysfunctional...

The delights of Little Miss Sunshine (the musical) and why it has such a...

Fans of Little Miss Sunshine, the Oscar-winning film, won’t need any encouragement to visit Oxford Playhouse tonight, to see the new musical stage show, fresh from London. Those...

It sold out last time, so here’s your chance to catch War Horse as...

"War Horse is a huge piece of ensemble storytelling. That’s not just the cast, that’s the entire company and the sheer endeavour of it. "The puppetry is...

MUST SEE: Free parkour show comes to Oxford Castle with a tale of modern...

Parkour is daring, adventurous and urban, made accessible through YouTube and social media, and therefore the perfect way to attract a younger crowd, preferably those who rarely...

Famous children’s author Julia Donaldson talks about family show Tabby McTat, coming to Oxford...

Julia Donaldson is the multi award-winning author of some of the world's best loved children's books, most notably the modern classic The Gruffalo which has sold over 13 million...

REVIEW: FAIRIES, MAGIC AND A SUPERB BOTTOM! A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Blenheim Palace’s...

The mid-summer weather may well have tried it’s hardest to turn Shakespeare’s joyous and much-loved comedy of twinkly fairy magic and poetic sweetness into more of a...

LAST CHANCE: To catch Twelfth Night at the Oxford Shakespeare Festival

Oxford Shakespeare Festival is coming to an end this weekend at Oxford Castle & Prison after an eight week season. But don't worry if you have missed...