Gerald (Caleb Gill) and ensemble in Me and My Girl

The standing ovation that greeted MYCO‘s curtain call at Oxford Playhouse last night said it all. An evening of highs, laughter, excitement, immense enjoyment, great entertainment and massive respect.

It was a big gamble, Musical Youth Company Oxford staging the 1930s musical Me And My Girl, because while the young local theatre company’s reputation precedes them, the majority of their 14-18 year-old cast were unlikely to have heard of it, or its songs, despite its modern adaption.

Bill (Daniel Hayns) and Sally (Hetty Hughes) from Lambeth in Me and My Girl

In short they were starting from scratch, and yet the audience’s immediate engagement in the story of an aristocratic family tracking down a lost heir in Lambeth and training him up for the job, was largely down to MYCOs dazzling opening number ‘A Weekend at Hareford’ where the scope, prowess and musical ability of the 50 strong cast was instantly enveloping.

‘it was funny, the one-liners keeping us chuckling away as the trials and tribulations of the Harefords unravelled before us’

And so we were flung from Lambeth to Hareford Hall in an energetic and constant barrage of songs and dances of all genres, from street and tap to ballet and modern, voices soaring to the rafters, swept along in Bill’s fight to become the rightful heir while holding onto his beloved girlfriend Sal.

Sir John and The Duchess in MYCO Me and My Girl

And oh it was funny, the one-liners keeping us chuckling away as the trials and tribulations of the Harefords unravelled before us, the live orchestra ensuring the tempo never dimmed. One of my favourite scenes was Bill and Sal’s historical knowledge while ruminating on the ancestral paintings: “Joan Of Arc? Yes I know her she was Noah’s wife”.

‘an unbeatable night out full of emotion, elation and a deep pride in Oxford’s young people and their musical ability’

Even more impressive was the cast’s utter professionalism. Never putting a foot wrong, they were word and step perfect, give or take the odd microphone malfunction, demonstrating their intense rehearsal schedule, and ambitions.

Jacquie (Eden Strickland-Bennett)

Big shout outs must go to the leads – Jacquie’s (Eden Strickland-Bennett) voice was quite enchanting, Sir John (Ozzy Phelan) hilarious in his comic delivery, Hannah Peel as The Duchess wonderfully commanding and of course the young lovebirds Bill (Daniel Haynes) READ OUR INTERVIEW WITH HIM HERE and Sal (Hetty Hughes) whose range and commitment shone through.

By the time we reached the grand finale Love Makes The World Go Round we were not only fully invested, but also hugely impressed by the sheer pace, fun and momentum of the famous musical.

Sun has got his hat on Ensemble in Me and My Girl

Altogether an enormous undertaking, but thanks to the capable hands of MYCO director Guy Brigg and his infallible team, an unbeatable night out full of emotion, elation and a deep pride in Oxford’s young people and their musical ability.

MYCO’s Me And My Girl runs at Oxford Playhouse until Saturday April 6, with a matinee performance on Saturday. But be quick because there aren’t many tickets left! Book here