
REVIEW: ‘The magic of Truck Festival lies in its variety and small but mighty...

As ever, the magic of Truck Festival lies in its variety and ‘small but mighty’ punch. The rain and mud might have scared off a few festival-goers,...

REVIEW: “The whole audience was singing and dancing!” ‘School Of Rock: The Musical’ at...

School of Rock, the iconic movie, brought out the rock god in us all and enraptured a generation of children and adults alike. So, it was big boots...

REVIEW: It’s a saucy night out! OTG’s Nell Gwynn at Oxford Playhouse makes you...

Blushing? It was hard not to. Because as Nell Gwynn took centre stage both at the Oxford Playhouse and in King Charles II's life, the innuendoes, smutty...

REVIEW: ‘A wonderfully uplifting and intimate experience’ How Camille O’Sullivan mesmerised Oxford’s North Wall!

From the moment Camille O' Sullivan walked on stage, she had a raw, broken, ripped-tights attitude, which was just so powerful, as, of course, is her music. It...

REVIEW: ‘Has he bit? Yes and swallowed’ Catch Creation’s bawdy, fast-paced, contemporary take on...

If you can’t entice an audience to watch Jonson's The Alchemist in Oxford, where else? Academics aside, Oxford is where The Alchemist's earliest recorded performance took place in...

REVIEW “A blisteringly good stomp through my youth” ‘Bat Out Of Hell – The...

Cards on the table. I am a passionate Bat out of Hell fan. From teenage angst right up to my current loud, middle aged kitchen discos, the album has...

REVIEW ‘A wonderful, quintessentially Oxford evening’ Creation does it again with Much Ado about...

Creation Theatre has done it again with their summer offering, Much Ado About Nothing, set outdoors in South Oxford Adventure Playground, which the July storms have made...

REVIEW: Sex, drugs and a VW camper van. Little Miss Sunshine – the musical...

The irony of Little Miss Sunshine is that as a musical it does work. The whole wonderful story pans out in full technicolor glory, the Hoovers dysfunctional...

REVIEW: ‘They’ve done it!’ OTG’s colour coded characters bring Nicholas Nickleby to life at...

“What a challenge! Squeezing Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby, some thousand pages long, filled with more than 50 characters, into 2.5 hours on the Oxford Playhouse stage is no...

REVIEW: Creation ‘thrillingly shunts George Orwell’s tragically inevitable tale Animal Farm into the 21st...

From the off, Creation Theatre’s current production of George Orwell’s Animal Farm not only retains a gripping sense of unease, but thrillingly shunts the tragically inevitable original...