Sculpture at Kingham Lodge is back for Oxfordshire Artweeks with 400 works of art...
Oxfordshire Artweeks starts in less than a fortnight, and as part of the annual event the five-acre Cotswold garden at Kingham Lodge will host an exhibition of...
“It’s just part of you. I don’t think of it as a job.” Sarah...
The artist Sarah Spackman is dressed in a navy canvas jacket, jeans and DMs, her glasses hiding a pertinent pair of eyes, totally absorbed in the task...
WHAT TO SEE THIS AUTUMN: Our TOP 30+ round-up of the best shows, comedy,...
Autumn is here and with it a massive choice of entertainment at Oxfordshire's wonderful theatres, galleries and museums. Here are our top picks:
The Oxford Science and Ideas...
Tinie and Tom! Local artist Tom Croft stars in BBC1’s ‘Extraordinary Portraits’ as Oxford...
The Oxford Art Society is making headlines again with OAS artist Tom Croft BEM appearing on BBC1 tomorrow night (Sunday March 27) in an exciting new series...
Young Rembrandt at The Ashmolean in Oxford: “An educative, enthralling, insightful, must see exhibition”
To bring one of the most famous Dutch Masters to Oxford is an enormous feat in itself, but what the Ashmolean has excelled at in their new...
REVIEW: The groundbreaking Cecily Brown exhibition at Blenheim even boasts its own golden toilet
Famous painter Cecily Brown was at home in New York as her ground-breaking exhibition at Blenheim Palace opened this week, unable to attend the opening party thanks...
Oxfordshire mothers’ emotional coronavirus journey captured in new ISOLATION photographic exhibition
An exhibition of photographs that captures family life in isolation has launched online to document these strange and challenging times.
Curated by Oxford photographer Philippa James, the ISOLATION...
Famous artists Anish Kapoor and Patrick Hughes join Art From The Heart 💙 2021...
After the overwhelming success of last year’s charity online exhibition Art From The Heart 💙 when over 130 Oxfordshire artists came forward to to raise money for the Oxford Hospitals...
TOP 30+: Fill the Oxfordshire Easter holidays with quadball, children’s shows, nature, clowning, Lego,...
With the Easter Holidays upon us and the weather uncertain here are some fabulous ways to keep children and young people entertained!
1) April Fakes Day, March 29...
DAZZLING: Top 12 things to enjoy at Oxford Christmas Light Festival – from displays...
Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival is back and bigger than ever! Not only is it popping up in even more places and communities, but is packed with events.
Running from...