Jericho Comedy running two ‘evolutionary’ comedy shows simultaneously at The Natural History Museum and...
Jericho Comedy is celebrating the new exhibition "First Animals" at Oxford University Natural History Museum on Friday November 8 by hosting two comedy shows AT THE SAME...
The Jam Factory hosts impressive line-up of thought provoking exhibitions from new and emerging...
"Autumn is here but don't worry The Jam Factory has an amazing line up of events, classes and exhibitions, for you to check out this month,' promises...
Is pottery the new art? Oxford Ceramics Fair is back this weekend with demonstrations...
"If you want to see contemporary pottery in its most diverse and accessible form, then Oxford Ceramics Fair is that snapshot," potter Dylan Bowen tells me.
Having exhibited...
The Ruskin master returns: John Newberry’s exhibition at The North Wall is a departure...
A large window overlooking the street, in the former Oxford Library in Bonn Square, fascinated retired Ruskin teacher John Newberry.
And so 'Westgate' was born, one of the...
A working gold toilet, Mini Me and Hitler. Just some of Italian artist Maurizio...
Always controversial, ambitious, brilliant and brazen, Blenheim Art Foundation will continue to enthral as it opens Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan's new solo exhibition Victory is Not an...
“It’s just part of you. I don’t think of it as a job.” Sarah...
The artist Sarah Spackman is dressed in a navy canvas jacket, jeans and DMs, her glasses hiding a pertinent pair of eyes, totally absorbed in the task...
The value of colour: Oxford artist Robin Stewart’s new exhibition ‘The Inner Life’ at...
Robin Stewart’s fascination with the language of paint began at a young age, when he was given his first set of paints.
“I must have been no more than...
A FEAST OF THE SENSES – Why The Ashmolean’s new Pompeii exhibition is its...
It is a tale of two cities, The Ashmolean’s new exhibition Last Supper In Pompeii.
But it is also a story about a boy. A boy who was...